
Recovery Coaching

“My Recovery Must Come First So That Everything I Love In Life Doesn’t Have To Come Last.”

At the root of addiction is a sense of being disconnected from ourselves and others as well as feeling disempowered and oftentimes hopeless. Recovery is about:

  • Creating a healthy connection with self and being a part of community
  • Moving towards freedom, integrity, and joy
  • Building a home for ourselves within ourselves

Recovery coaching is highly interactive in that the client is encouraged to actively participate in their own recovery. It is an ongoing professional (non-clinical) relationship that empowers individuals who are in recovery currently or who are considering recovery from addiction. It is based on the belief that people are – by their very nature – creative, resourceful, and whole.

In my role as your recovery coach, I offer a holistic, thought-provoking process, focusing on your strengths in a safe and confidential space. This promotes a journey of shedding aspects of yourself that either no longer serve you or are harmful to your own growth.

We will rediscover your gifts, passions, and dreams as you develop your recovery path. I have developed tools in my recovery journey that I can share to further guide physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional healing.

Recovery is a lifestyle change and a way of living that embodies joy bigger than being sober. I work with individuals and groups who are struggling with a wide range of addictions including food addiction, shopping/overspending, work, alcohol and other drugs, people/co-dependent patterns.

I integrate compassion, empathy, respect, and humility within recovery coaching sessions. Plus, offering a culturally competent and trauma-informed perspective, allowing for multiple pathways to recovery.

There are many pathways to recovery

Recovery is self-directed and empowering

Recovery involves a personal recognition of the need for change and transformation

Recovery is holistic

Recovery has cultural dimensions

Recovery exists on a continuum of improved health and wellness

Recovery is supported by peers and allies

Recovery emerges from hope and gratitude

Recovery involves a process of healing and self-redefinition

Recovery involves addressing discrimination and transcending shame and stigma

Recovery involves (re)joining and (re)building a life in the community

Recovery is a reality. It can, will, and does happen

My hope is to serve as a listener, guide, mentor, advocate, and coach as I work beside you through your challenging life issues and self -discovery. As an experienced yoga practitioner, teacher and mindfulness/meditation guide, I can also help you to integrate these powerful tools into your recovery program to help manage stress and for relapse prevention.
baby pine tree recovery coach

Coaching Packages

Currently all sessions are offered on Zoom.

Individual Recovery Coaching Session

60-minute one-on-one Recovery Coaching session offered via Zoom.

“Thriving in Recovery” Coaching Package

• 8 60-minute sessions with the flexibility of either weekly or bi-weekly meetings
• Action plans and accountability email contact between sessions
• Yoga, meditation and mindfulness techniques personalized to your self-care recovery plan

What’s the difference between a sponsor and a recovery coach?

A sponsor is usually part of a twelve-step recovery-based program and helps the recovering individual with the 12 steps and offers support and direction, especially during times when relapse is a strong possibility. This is also true for the recovery coach. However, a recovery coach is much more involved in the recovering person’s day-to-day structure and livelihood.

One of the biggest differences between recovery coaches and sponsors is the accountability level for the recovering person is much higher with a recovery coach, as goals are often set as part of the work together.

Once you hire a professional, you get professional-level services. A sponsor is a peer and a free service.

You may not be using a twelve-step program as part of your recovery and when you work with a recovery coach you will experience a much wider range of recovery path options than you might with working only with a sponsor, who typically is used for recovery twelve-step work.